Refund policy of
To cancel your order please write to us at
Yes, we can modify/change your shipping address or cancel your order provided you contact us within 2 hours of placing your order. However, if the order is dispatched before you contact us the shipping address will not be modified/changed.
To get your refund please contact us at our customer support at Our executive will initiate the refund process. If you made the payment online, we will refund the amount back in the original source (debit/credit card, bank, wallet, etc.) within 5 working days of receiving the request from you. If you made the payment via COD, we will send you the money within 10 working days of requesting a refund.
Due to hygiene reasons we cannot accept exchange or returns on our products.
If you ever have any questions regarding our refunds & exchange, please contact us at +91 98925 99660 or email us at
In case of damaged/wrong products, contact must be made within 3 days of receipt of the products by email notifying us.
If you ever have any questions regarding our refunds & exchange, please contact us at +91 98925 99660 or email us at
In case of damaged/wrong products, contact must be made within 3 days of receipt of the products by email notifying us.